The European Commission has launched a call for evidence to seek input from stakeholders in designing the future European Water Resilience Strategy.
The call for evidence is available on the 'Have Your Say' portal in all 24 EU languages. Stakeholders can submit their feedback for the four weeks after its publication.
Why is the Water Resilience Strategy needed?
Despite the EU's comprehensive laws to protect and sustainably manage water, structural mismanagement and widespread degradation of water resources and ecosystems are harming the EU's environment, economy, and people.
Over the past years, floods, droughts, and water scarcity have become more frequent, causing billions of euros in damage and negatively affecting economic sectors. Alongside accelerating climate change, pollution and biodiversity loss are exacerbating the problem, increasing tension between water users and constraining economic growth.
The strategy responds to a clear need for action to address water challenges in the EU from Member States, EU institutions and stakeholders, including local authorities, the private sector, NGOs and citizens.
What are the aims and potential impacts of the strategy?
The main goal of the European Water Resilience Strategy is to establish a path towards water security and resilience by ensuring the availability of clean water and better protecting the EU against water-related risks.
It aims to achieve that by integrating water considerations across different policies and funding sources, and by strengthening commitment, cooperation and trust-building between the sectors that rely on water and other stakeholders. The strategy also aims to contribute to mitigating and preventing acute water stress across the world.
Additionally, water resilience is a key component of the EU’s competitiveness. A water-smart economy that maintains its cutting-edge water industry will allow the EU to achieve its environmental and economic ambitions while maintaining its strategic autonomy.
The strategy will focus on three specific objectives:-
- Restore and protect the water cycle;
- Ensure clean and affordable water and sanitation for all;
- Promote a competitive EU water industry as part of a clean, water-wise circular economy.
The strategy will address five action areas:-
- Governance and implementation;
- Infrastructure;
- Finance and investment;
- Security;
- Industry, innovation & education.
To tackle water management challenges, the European Commission intends to prioritise the 'Water Efficiency First' principle, to increase water reuse and circularity through sector-wide investment and innovation.
How can stakeholders participate?
The target audience for the consultation includes Member States, relevant EU agencies and institutions, river basin district authorities, coastal communities and port authorities, water regulators and utilities, water users from the industrial, energy, agriculture, and all other economic sectors, experts, think tanks and NGOs, academia, researchers and innovation policy stakeholders, regional and transboundary water conventions and commissions, social partners, members of the public, young people and youth organisations, and international stakeholders and partners outside the EU.
In addition to the call for evidence, the consultation process will feature a stakeholder roundtable “Towards a Water Resilience Strategy for the European Union”, which will take place on 6 March in Brussels.
This event will be part of the broader European Ocean Days and the Mission Ocean and Waters Forum & Related Events.
Registration is open until 10 February. More details about the event can be found at the link below.
More information
Call for evidence on 'Have Your Say' portal
'Towards a Water Resilience Strategy for the EU' stakeholder roundtable
- Publication date
- 4 February 2025
- Author
- Directorate-General for Environment