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News announcement22 July 2021Directorate-General for Environment1 min read

Green City Accord: ceremony for signatories

Join the European Commission and mayors from across Europe to celebrate more than 50 cities commitment to ambitious environmental protection goals.

Today cities across the European Union face many challenges. Air pollution is a serious problem posing a real risk to health, noise pollution is on the increase, urban sprawl is affecting the availability of green spaces, while the generation of waste continues to have an impact on the local environment.

But cities can also be leaders in environmental protection, and can play an important role in improving air and water quality, in enhancing biodiversity protection, in tackling noise pollution, and in moving towards a more sustainable, circular economy.

This is why more than 50 cities have now signed the Green City Accord. This agreement sees local authorities committing to achieve ambitious environmental goals by 2030 on air, water, nature and biodiversity, circular economy and waste, and noise.

To celebrate the involvement of a growing number of cities that form part of the Green City Accord community, a high-level signatory online ceremony will take place on 22 September from 14:00-16:00 CEST.

Mayors, local leaders and stakeholders will join the European Commissioner for the Environment, Oceans and Fisheries Virginijus Sinkevičius in a unique opportunity to discuss the Green City Accord and their environmental priorities.

Stay tuned for further details regarding the opening of registration and the agenda!

More information on the Green City Accord can be found here.


Publication date
22 July 2021
Directorate-General for Environment

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