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All Environment Publications (71)
RSSLevel(s) and the European Climate Pact
The EU Level(s) framework for improving the sustainability performance of buildings has teamed up with the European Climate Pact to help built environment professionals connect, share knowledge and take action towards a climate-resilient future.
EU Ecolabel fees are set by each Competent Body within certain thresholds imposed by the EU Ecolabel Regulation. To find out the costs related to your specific EU Ecolabel application: download the latest fees table for Tourist accommodation services.
EU Ecolabel fees are set by each Competent Body within certain thresholds imposed by the EU Ecolabel Regulation. To find out the costs related to your specific EU Ecolabel application: download the latest fees table.
Download links for the EU's mid-term review of the 8th Environment Action Programme (EAP).
Today, the European Commission adopted the 12th edition of the European List of ship recycling facilities.
Brochure on EU action against microplastic pollution
Proposal for a Regulation on preventing pellet losses to reduce microplastic pollution
The Commission has adopted a set of policy recommendations for Member States to improve and incentivise the return of used and waste mobile phones, tablets, laptops and their chargers.

Find below the User Manual and necessary documents for applying and earning the EU Ecolabel on products under the Reusable Menstrual Cups group.
COMMISSION DECISION establishing the EU Ecolabel criteria for absorbent hygiene products and for reusable menstrual cups