21 May is European Natura 2000 Day
To celebrate the Natura 2000 network - one of the EU's most outstanding achievements – and to honour the efforts of everyone involved in making it a success, the European Commission, together with the European Parliament, the Council Presidency and the Committee of the Regions declared 21 May as European Natura 2000 Day (read the signed declaration; or watch the recording).
It was on 21 May 1992 that both the EU Habitats Directive and LIFE programme were approved. The Habitats Directive, together with the Birds Directive (adopted in 1979) became the basis of the Natura 2000 Network of protected areas.
Today, Natura 2000 consists of more than 27,000 sites across EU land and seas, successfully contributing to the preservation of our unique European natural heritage.
On the occasion of the EU Natura 2000 Day, visit a Natura 2000 site nearby, learn and discover the species and habitats it protects and use #Natura2000Day to share your experience.
Every year, EU Member States organise a number of celebratory events to mark the occasion. Get informed on the activities in your country and join the nature conservation communities around you.
Natura 2000 Day Bioblitz
Discover the diversity of nature in your own neighbourhood!
In 2023 and 2024, the Commission organised, in collaboration with observation.org, an EU-wide Natura 2000 Day Bioblitz.
This is a fun event, an occasion to visit a Natura 2000 site near you, discover many species and at the same time contribute to citizen science. You will be surprised at the diversity of nature, even in the smallest parks or areas!
The 2024 edition took place between 18 and 26 May, with:
- 67 BioBlitzes in 14 Member States
- More than 3,900 observed species
- More than 70,000 observations
We hope you can join the 2025 edition – check for updates in spring!