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All Environment News (613)

Showing results 380 to 390
Low-carbon fuels could power Europe’s bulk cargo-carrying ships
  • News article

The shipping industry needs to decarbonise in order to meet global climate targets. This study compares the suitability of five low-carbon fuels to power all ships carrying bulk cargo in Europe. The results show that technologies support this transition but would increase total ownership costs.

  • 4 min read
Recycling residential building materials: opportunities and limitations
  • News article

Reusing materials from existing buildings (or ‘urban mining’) has been proposed as a means to reduce demolition waste, raw material consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. This study models the opportunities for urban mining in the Netherlands under practical constraints, up to the year 2050.

  • 4 min read
  • News article

In June, the Commission adopted proposals to reduce the use and risk of chemical pesticides by 50% by 2030. These are flagship legislative proposals to follow the Biodiversity and Farm to Fork Strategies, and will help ensure the resilience and security of food supply.

  • 2 min read
  • News article

In April, the European Commission adopted proposals for revised EU measures to address pollution from large industrial installations through revision of the IED and the European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (E-PRTR) Regulation (to create the Industrial Emissions Portal).

  • 1 min read