Danube Day & Danube Art Master: Celebrating 20 Years of Culture, Creativity, and Connection to the Danube! - European Commission
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  • News blog
  • 9 July 2024
  • Directorate-General for Environment
  • 3 min read

Danube Day & Danube Art Master: Celebrating 20 Years of Culture, Creativity, and Connection to the Danube!

kids dressed in blue around a table
© Kovacs

The Danube River is Europe's lifeline, flowing through the territory of 19 countries—14 of which, together with the European Union, are ICPDR Contracting Parties—and supporting a rich tapestry of life, culture, and history. Based at the Vienna International Centre, the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR) oversees the management and coordination of this vast river basin, covering 800,000 square kilometers and home to 79 million people.  

The ICPDR is dedicated to fostering a CLEANER, HEALTHIER, and SAFER Danube Basin for all. A key part of the ICPDR’s mission is engaging with youth, which is reflected in its flagship outreach initiatives like Danube Day and the Danube Art Master competition.  

Danube Day 

Each year, Danube Day invites the 14 Danube countries to partake in a beautiful joint celebration and outdoor events throughout the basin. Since its establishment in 2004, Danube Day has been a significant event, commemorating the signing of the Danube River Protection Convention (DRPC) on 29 June 1994 in Sofia, Bulgaria. It's a day to celebrate the Danube and its tributaries, which play a vital role in our lives by providing water, food, power, recreation, and livelihood. 

Danube Day 2024 was a particularly special celebration as it marked both the 30th anniversary of the signing of the DRPC and the 20th anniversary of Danube Day. In those 20 years, Danube Day has grown to become the world’s largest international river festival, populating riverbanks with events and activities from the Black Forest to the Black Sea to celebrate the Danube’s cultural diversity. At the international level, events are coordinated by the ICPDR from the Permanent Secretariat in Vienna. ICPDR member countries and partners also organize events at the national level, putting to use their local knowledge side-by-side with international cooperation. 

Danube Day demonstrates the importance of the role of civil society in protecting our precious water resources. It showcases our efforts in sustainable development and commitment to environmental awareness, and most importantly, it celebrates a sense of community and connection. 
Read more here: https://www.danubeday.org/ 

Danube Art Master 

The Danube Art Master (DAM) competition, initiated by the ICPDR as part of Danube Day, is a celebration of young people‘s creativity and their connection to the Danube River. This international school competition invites pupils to embark on field trips to the Danube or its tributaries to create unique works of art inspired by their experiences.  
Through their artistic creations, children from the countries of the Danube River Basin express their understanding and visions for preserving the Danube for future generations. For the past 20 years, the Danube Art Master competition has connected countless school pupils across the region, emphasizing the shared importance of their waters, culture, and the river that unites them all. 

Organized by national governments and NGOs across the Danube Basin, the competition has seen overwhelming success, with over 3000 participants in 2013 alone. Over the past 20 years, the competition has engaged approximately 40,000 participants, highlighting its enduring impact and popularity. 
The 20th Anniversary of the Danube Art Master competition was celebrated with an open-air exhibition that united the community in appreciation of the artistic contributions from our young Danube Art Masters. We are thrilled to report the immense success of this recent exhibition held in Bratislava. 

Running from June 20th to 26th at the iconic Hviezdoslav Square in Bratislava's old town, the exhibition featured a diverse array of artworks that celebrated the beauty and significance of the Danube River. Participants from various countries presented their unique perspectives through paintings, sculptures, and multimedia pieces, all inspired by the theme of protecting and preserving the Danube. 

Panels on a wide pedestrian street displayed these remarkable works, drawing in visitors from all walks of life. The response from the public was overwhelmingly positive, with many expressing admiration for the talented young artists and the important messages conveyed through their works. 

Through these artistic creations, children from the countries of the Danube River Basin express their understanding and visions for preserving the Danube for future generations. DAM is a unique competition that transcends borders and has reminded millions of young Europeans about their shared river, cultural heritage, and artistic expression, showcasing the rich diversity of the Danube Basin and conveying a unified message: WE LOVE THE DANUBE! 

Read more here: https://www.danubeday.org/Danube_Art_Master  


Publication date
9 July 2024
Directorate-General for Environment

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