EU Ecolabel Showroom on Wheels gears up for Olympic-inspired adventure! - European Commission
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  • News announcement
  • 16 April 2024
  • Directorate-General for Environment
  • 1 min read

EU Ecolabel Showroom on Wheels gears up for Olympic-inspired adventure!

As Olympic fever rises, the EU Ecolabel's sporty Showroom on Wheels takes to the road to champion eco-friendly products and raise awareness across EU Member States. 

EU Ecolabel Showroom on Wheels

On your marks, get set … go! Starting this month in Brussels, the EU Ecolabel’s Showroom on Wheels is hitting the road again. The pedal-powered Showroom is embarking on an exciting journey: championing sustainability amidst the buzz of the 2024 Paris Olympics. With a focus on promoting healthy living and sustainable choices, the revamped Showroom will be scoring new fans at local events in cities and towns across the EU in 2024. 

Sport is deeply ingrained in European culture, and it has a unique power to foster unity and promote healthy lifestyles. And when people make healthy choices for themselves – in terms of diet or activities like walking or biking – they often seek to make better choices for the planet too. To further reinforce the connection between personal well-being and environmental stewardship, this year’s Showroom on Wheels campaign is all about ‘Running your sustainable lifestyle’. 

The sport-themed Showroom itself may be small – a compact caravan powered by an electric bike that pops up into a mini exhibition – but it has big ambitions! By showcasing just some of the nearly 96 000 eco-labelled products and raising awareness, it aims to spread a positive message of empowering sustainable choices, encouraging responsible business practices, and tackling greenwashing.  

The newly designed Showroom is displayed for the first time at the World Circular Economy Forum (WCEF), which kicks off on 15 April. Visitors can learn what the EU Ecolabel stands for and discover the wide range of eco-labelled products, from notebooks and shoes, to detergents and absorbent hygiene products. They can also find out how the EU Ecolabel makes it easier to identify goods and services that can help run a sustainable lifestyle. 

After being displayed at several Brussels-based events, the Showroom will make its way from country to country across Europe. The goal is not only to raise awareness of the EU Ecolabel among consumers; it’s also to start a dialogue with businesses and retailers and help them understand the many benefits of embracing the EU Ecolabel.  

Follow the Showroom on Wheels’ journey on our LinkedIn page and come say hello when it’s in your area! 


Publication date
16 April 2024
Directorate-General for Environment

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