About the finalist
Lead applicants | Bayerische Akademie für Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege (ANL) |
Category | Communication |
Countries involved | Germany |
Main Natura 2000 sites | All Natura 2000 sites in Bavaria, including Nymphenburger Park mit Allee und Kapuzinerhölzl, Nationalpark Bayerischer Wald and Lechauen zwischen Königsbrunn und Augsburg |
Website | https://www.ganz-meine-natur.bayern.de |
The Living Natura 2000 communication initiative, funded by the EU LIFE programme, aimed to create a more positive perception of Natura 2000 in Bavaria, Germany, and to build networks at regional, national and international levels for the protection of natural assets.
With the slogan "It's my nature", the Bavarian Academy for Nature Conservation and Landscape Management, and the Bavarian State Ministry for the Environment and Consumer Protection, developed an innovative communication campaign, emphasising the importance and relevance of this unique network of protected areas for nature and society. It was built around the concepts of information (imparting knowledge about the network and its objective) and balance (promoting a participative management of Natura 2000 sites for the benefit of nature and society).
During the campaign, information about Natura 2000 was effectively disseminated through dialogue with landowners and landusers, relevant associations, political decision-makers and youth representatives. Several activities also targeted nature conservation authorities, forestry administrations and municipalities, among other relevant stakeholders, including an information kit and Natura 2000 signposts for use at Natura sites.
Wider target groups were engaged through events, awards, student actions, VIP relay races, exhibitions, videos and films, as well as through various media channels, including the project website, social media, print media (500 press articles), radio and television. Specially designed Natura 2000 hiking and cycling tours have become popular and have been integrated into online tourism portals. Digital Natura 2000 interactive toolboxes supported teachers in their educational activities.
Particularly innovative activities included:
The Natura 2000 Ambassadors Campaign, a unique approach to nature conservation communication involving six well-known personalities from the fields of music, culture, science and sport, who explain the importance of nature and their personal connection with it on videos, websites, social media and billboards.
The Bavarian Natura 2000 Community Award, which was given for outstanding activities in the fields of species protection and community development, and recognised as a model for successful awareness-raising.
The campaign achieved an exceptional impact, potentially reaching over 25 million people in Bavaria and beyond. It helped change perceptions of Natura 2000 as a positive and future-oriented opportunity for society, conserving nature and protecting Bavarian landscapes and biodiversity.
Pictures from the finalists
Videos from the finalist:
- Publication date
- 14 March 2024
- Author
- Directorate-General for Environment