PROVISION OF PRACTICAL SUPPORT - Promotion and breeding of livestock guarding dogs | Germany - European Commission
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  • News blog
  • 7 November 2023
  • Directorate-General for Environment
  • 1 min read

PROVISION OF PRACTICAL SUPPORT - Promotion and breeding of livestock guarding dogs | Germany

Two livestock protection dogs guarding a heard of sheep
L. Vielmi


Implementation: ongoing

Member state: Germany

Contact organisation: Association for livestock guarding dogs (AGHerdenschutzhunde e.V.)        

Contact Person: Knut Kucznik,

More information:

Target species: Wolf


The Association for livestock guarding dogs, operated by shepherds, has dedicated itself to the promotion of livestock guarding dogs and their preservation in Germany. To this end, it coordinates the breeding of livestock guarding dogs in several federal German states working with associations, ministries and authorities on the subject. They work on areas ranging from pastural grazing livestock to game reserves, poultry farming and dyke grazing management.


  • Registration and testing of livestock guarding dogs living in the herds
  • Release of a publication concerning the breeding and maintenance of the livestock guarding dog breeds Pyrenean Mountain Dog and Maremmano Abruzzese
  • Informing the general public about the characteristics of livestock guarding dogs and their possible use in livestock herds
  • Offering trainings for owners of livestock guarding dogs concerning breeding practices as well as training and maintenance of the dogs
  • Online aggregation of German wolf management plans, concepts and guidelines for livestock farmers to ensure adequate management practices


Since 2010, the association’s chairman has been conducting numerous seminars on the training of livestock guarding dogs. 


The association receives funding from regional authorities, associations related to large carnivores and livestock keeping, charities and NGOs related to nature conservation. Furthermore, they receive funding from the association’s members. The association ensures its financial viability by offering information and training services to interested livestock guarding dog owners.



Publication date
7 November 2023
Directorate-General for Environment

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