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EU strategy for sustainable and circular textiles - List page (801)
Now more than ever, people are taking action for nature and climate. In this episode of 'The Road to Green', Euronews travels to Austria and Germany to meet them face-to-face.

Talks will take place between the Group of Seven's Climate, Energy & Environment Ministers in Turin, Italy, on Monday and Tuesday.

A ministerial meeting held Thursday in Riga is expected to reiterate parties’ commitment to reduce human pressures on the Baltic Sea.

Brussels and Beijing have agreed on a joint roadmap for further collaboration on the vital issue.

Industry and investors will have greater predictability regarding the manufacturing of products, indispensable for the green transition.

World leaders and negotiators meet in Ottawa from 21-29 April to prepare a new UN Treaty on global plastic pollution.

Bring your green dreams to life with LIFE Programme’s €571 million funding.

As Olympic fever rises, the EU Ecolabel's sporty Showroom on Wheels takes to the road to champion eco-friendly products and raise awareness across EU Member States.

The event brings members of the European and international circular economy community together, with a focus on how to turn circular visions into action.

Sign up for the EU's annual flagship environmental summit and help create a water resilient Europe.