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Success stories

Discover examples of successful environmental projects throughout Europe.

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In Spain, a LIFE project is slowing the flow of the river Ebro to protect the 62 towns bordering its waters.

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Success stories (33)

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  • News blog

In Spain, a LIFE project is slowing the flow of the river Ebro to protect the 62 towns bordering its waters.

Collage of images: flower, waterfront, forest.
  • News blog

Restoring and managing peatlands improves water retention and quality, stores carbon, reduces greenhouse gas emissions and increases biodiversity. Since 1992 LIFE has been working hard on this.

Rocky forest landscape.
  • News blog

The team behind Rivers of LIFE are improving water courses in Voxnan, Gimån and Ljusnan in the counties of Gävleborg and Jämtland.