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Monitoring Framework

Specific information for cities on the monitoring and reporting process of the Green City Accord.

Green City Accord Target Areas

Key Commitments for Signatories

  1. Setting ambitious targets

    Signatories will establish baseline levels and set ambitious targets that go beyond minimum requirements set by EU laws within two years of signing.

  2. Implementing policies

    Signatories will implement policies and programmes in an integrated manner, to achieve their targets by 2030.

  3. Reporting

    Reports on implementation and progress will be created every three years by signatories.

Mandatory Indicators

After signing the Accord, the city has two years to submit a first report. This report should contain:

  • Information on the baseline situation (e.g. levels of relevant pollutants at the time of joining the Accord) in each of the five areas, including data on the common GCA indicators (see below)
  • The targets which the city has set for itself to meet by 2030 (these targets may be qualitative or quantitative)
  • An overview of the next steps (measures and actions) the city intends to take in order to achieve the targets

From then on, the city is required to report on progress every three years through an easy-to-use online tool (currently under preparation).

To monitor progress towards the Green City Accord’s objectives and allow for comparability across cities, a small set of mandatory indicators has been established. All signatories will use these indicators for reporting purposes.

You’ll find here a quick overview of all mandatory indicators.

A more comprehensive version with further details is available in your language from the menu below.                                                                                                                                                                              

  • 18 MAY 2021
Green City Accord - Mandatory indicators

Cities will be allowed to use existing data and other reporting requirements that they are already engaged in. For instance, a city that reports regularly on air pollution, in the framework of the Ambient Air Quality Directives, or alternatively in the framework of another city action plan or a national government programme, could re-use such information or data to fulfil these reporting requirements.

In addition, the following essential guidebook offers detailed information about the measurement and calculation of the mandatory indicators for each of the five areas covered by the Green City Accord: air, water, nature & biodiversity, waste & circular economy, and noise.

  • 5 DECEMBER 2024
Green City Accord Indicators Guidebook

Reporting Timeline

  1. Signatories in 2020 and 2021

    Signatory cities that joined in 2020 and 2021 will have to submit a Baseline report by 15 December 2023.

  2. Signatories after 2021

    Signatories that joined after 2021 should submit a baseline report two years after formally joining or latest by 15 December of the same year (e. g. if the city joined in February 2023, it should submit the Baseline report by December 2025).