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  • Training and workshops

Ecolabels in green public procurement – Enabling the green transition 

Do you work with a regional or municipal authority who wants to make a difference in the transition to a carbon-neutral, clean and circular economy?

Do you want to make better use of procurement to steer the production and consumption of sustainable goods and services, such as best-in-class products awarded with ecolabels?

This session will help you understand how the use of labels, and in particular the EU Ecolabel, can make it easier for public buyers to have a sustainable impact. Success stories on the use of ecolabels in public tenders from EU local authorities will offer some inspiration on how this can be done in practice.

EU Ecolabel - Regions Week visual
EU Regions Week 2022


Anna Lupi - Legal and policy officer - EC, DG GROW

Ida Meulengracht Ginsborg - Special Advisor - Copenhagen Municapilty

Jonas Vevatne - Envrionemental Advisor - Asker Municipality

Michael Grimburg - GPP Programme EcoBuy Vienna 


Anja De Cunto - Project coordinator and policy Advisor - food and procurement Eurocities

  • environmental protection
  • Thursday 13 October 2022, 09:30 - 11:00 (CEST)
  • Online only

Practical information

Thursday 13 October 2022, 09:30 - 11:00 (CEST)
Online only
Register here