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Calls for tenders

Calls for tenders

e-Submission of tenders

Tenders for Open calls must be submitted exclusively via the electronic submission system (eSubmission) available from the etendering website given in the Contract Notice and Invitation to tender letter. This is also accessible on the Funding and Tenders Opportunities portal (F&T Portal)

Tenders submitted in any other way (e.g. e-mail or by letter) will be disregarded.

For detailed instructions on how to submit a tender please consult the eSubmission Quick guide

In order to submit a tender using eSubmission, economic operators (each member of the group in the case of a joint tender) will need to register in the European Commission's Participant Register - an online register of organisations participating in EU calls for tenders or proposals. On registering each organisation obtains a Participant Identification Code (PIC, 9-digit number) which acts as its unique identifier in the above register.  Economic operators already registered in the Participant Register shall reuse their existing PICs when preparing tenders in eSubmission. Instructions on how to create a PIC can be found on this page.

Publicity for Negotiated Procedures for middle and low value contracts

Ex-ante publicity is compulsory for all contracts that we will procure with a value between €15.000.01 and the Public Procurement Directive threshold (set at € 143.000 from 1 January 2024).

Before launching a negotiated call for tender procedure, the Ex ante publicity and the draft specifications will be uploaded in an etendering link displayed on this page with a 2 week deadline for economic operators to express their interest. The actual procurement procedure is launched by sending the invitation to tender to all economic operators who expressed an interest to participate. The deadline for receipt of tenders will be indicated in the invitation letter, as for any other procedure.

See: Ex ante publicity for negotiated low or middle value calls for tenders

See: How to express interest

List of Calls for tenders 2024


Birds in the EU: Status and trends assessment, EU Red List 2026. F&T Portal

link to download documents submit questions and offers:

Contract notice 2024/S 139-431908 (18/07/2024)


Guidelines Annex C EU Taxonomy

F&T Portal link to download documents, submit questions and offers:

Contract Notice 129/2024 - 397503-2024 (04/07/2024) 


Conformity check & Technical assessment

F&T Portal link to download documents, submit questions and offers:…

Contract Notice 125/2024 - 385036-2024 (28/06/2024)


Civil society representation for the IED 

F&T Portal link to download documents, submit questions and offers:

Contract Notice 132/2024 - 408720-2024 (09/07/2024) 


Technical assistance and guidance for implementation of the Persistent Organic Pollutants Regulation

DG Environment is planning to award the above contract as negotiated under the middle value call for tender.

Please read the documents above concerning who has access to the European Commission negotiated low or middle value calls.

E-tendering link to download Draft Tender Specifications and express interest:-

The deadline for expressing interest is 17/06/2024 at 16:00.


Capacity building in pollinator taxonomy

Link to download documents, submit questions and offers:

Contract Notice 93/2024 - 284320-2024 (14/05/2024)


Science for Environment Policy News Alert Service (SfEP)

Link to download documents, submit questions and offers:…

Contract Notice 31/2024 - 90322-2024 (13/02/2024)


Update and maintenance of the waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) calculation tools

F&T Portal link to download documents, submit questions and offers:…;

Contract Notice 29/2024 - 85279-2024 (09/02/2024)

Contract Award Notice 2024/S 125-383658 (28/06/2024)


Framework Contract in Cascade on support for the implementation of the new regulation on shipments of waste.

E-tendering link to download documents, submit questions and offers:…

Contract Notice 8/2024 (11/01/2024)

Contract Award Notice 2024/S 116-354695 (17/06/2024)

For the Calls for Tenders previous to 2022, please click here

TED Database

All Directorate General Environment's open calls for tender are published on the TED database (Tenders Electronic Daily).

Annexes to tender specifications

Please find the Annexes to Tender specifications in Word Format.