DG Environment revives traditional song with message of water resilience - European Commission
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  • News blog
  • 5 June 2024
  • Directorate-General for Environment
  • 1 min read

DG Environment revives traditional song with message of water resilience

Verdon is a traditional folk song from France, sung as a nursery rhyme and at Christmas. DG Environment has created a new version, with original text, music and video, as part of the 2024 See Water Differently campaign. The message of preserving and sharing this valuable resource is more relevant today than ever before.

See water differently


The river is rising the storm rages on

The bed it is bursting the current is strong

water water everywhere but not a  drop to drink

As the storm clouds grow closer its time to rethink


The river is dry now the fish are all gone

For now we are surviving but who knows how long

Mother nature is thirsty her beauty is scarred. 

As earth turns to clay we must  be on our guard 


The river is more precious than silver and gold

It is time to restore her to the glory of old

Save river and forest, let nature roam free

As the Verdon flows gently from mountain to sea.


No longer can we waste and no longer abuse

A resource that won't last unless we save and reuse

A gift that keeps giving us life everywhere

A gift we are given to cherish and share


Publication date
5 June 2024
Directorate-General for Environment

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