Today, the European Commission launched the call for applications for the 2025 European Green Capital and Leaf Awards.
Link to the application platform here: – EU Green Capital and Green Leaf
Once registered, applicants will receive the application forms and have until 30 April 2023 at 23:59 CEST (GMT+2) to submit them. Green City Accord (GCA) signatories are particularly encouraged to apply.
The importance of cities going green cannot be overstated. With increasing urbanisation, cities can be major contributors to climate change and environmental degradation, but they can also be major players in finding sustainable and innovative solutions.
The goal of the EU Green Capital and Green Leaf Awards is to recognise and reward European cities for their efforts and dedication to improving the quality of life for residents, and tackling the triple crisis of climate change, pollution and biodiversity loss.The contest is open to cities with a population of 100,000 or more for the Green Capital Award and 20,000 to 99,999 habitants for the Green Leaf Award.
New this year
Applicant cities will be assessed based on seven indicators:
1. Air Quality
2. Water
3. Biodiversity, Green areas & Sustainable Land Use
4. Waste & Circular Economy
5. Noise
6. Climate change: mitigation (this also includes energy performance)
7. Climate change: adaptation
The list of indicators applies to bigger and smaller cities but adapted in areas where smaller cities may have difficulties in gathering data.
The European Green Capital has been awarded 15 times since 2010. In 2015, the European Green Leaf title for smaller cities was introduced and each year up to two cities can get awarded. So far, the number of previous Green Leaf winners also stands at 15.
Award winners and finalists will be included in the Green Capital and Green Leaf networks where they will find like-minded cities to exchange best practice and work on common projects.
In the award-winning title year, the European Commission will promote the cities EU-wide.
For more information:
Download the press kit
Websites: EU Green Capital - EU Green Leaf
Twitter: @EUGreenCapital
Facebook: www.facebook.com/EuropeanGreenCapitalAward
LinkedIn: European Green Capital Award
EU Policy on Urban Environment: https://environment.ec.europa.eu/topics/urban-environment_en
- Publication date
- 19 January 2023
- Author
- Directorate-General for Environment