Textile industry is an intensive water consumption industry with 93 billion of m3/year (4% of the total water consumption in the world). The dyeing and textile finishing are the processes most water consumption, as well as pollution generate.
In this scenario, Spanish company Jeanologia is currently spearheading the greatest challenge facing the textile industry: to achieve total dehydration and detoxification in denim industry.
With MissionZero the company is transforming the way jeans are made, from fabric to finish, minimizing the usage of water and chemicals to a close to zero target thanks to disruptive technologies with which it reduces water consumption in the finishing of garments from 100 liters to just 1.
LIFE ANHIDRA project, which is receiving support under LIFE programme, in playing a crucial role in MissionZero challenge to reduce water consumption to just 1 liter thanks to H2Zero water treatment system developed by Jeanologia to produce with zero waste.
Water treatment system with ZERØ discharge and ZERØ waste.
LIFE ANHIDRA project proposes an innovative, efficient, and effective solution to water regeneration and reuse of water in situ in textile finishing process. The project, coordinated by Jeanologia, develops a demonstrator installed on an industrial scale at the Portuguese textile finishing company Pizarro in collaboration with AITEX.
It is based on a pilot closed-loop system that treats water, leaving it in optimal conditions for reuse in garment finishing and washing processes without the need for additional chemicals to treat the incoming water.
LIFE ANHIDRA project demonstrates new sustainable garment’s finishing processes are possible. This new alternative concept of water reuse at close loop allows 92% of water use reduction, 98% of water re-use, avoiding the pollutants discharged and reducing chemicals. Another of its advantages is the re-use and valorization of textile fibre recovered.
The project allows water reuse in industrial washing machines during 60 operation days, saving up to 21,000 m3 during this period, and 123,408 m3/year in one industrial facility.
The success of the technology expects the replication in some EU textile industries, up to 36 facilities 3 years after the project and at least 100 systems (international) in the following 5 years. This fact will derive to potential savings up to 12.34 million m3/year of water”- Vicente Albert, CTO and Life ANHIDRA responsible at Jeanologia.
- Publication date
- 20 October 2023
- Author
- Directorate-General for Environment