Rebuilding Ukraine - European Commission
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  • News announcement
  • 2 February 2023
  • Directorate-General for Environment
  • 1 min read

Rebuilding Ukrainian cities: new Phoenix initiative to mobilise expertise and at least EUR 7 million

Ukrainian and EU flags side by side.

During a visit to Ukraine, the College of Commissioners discussed with the Ukrainian government EU support to help Ukraine rebuild its cities in a high-quality, sustainable and inclusive way with the New European Bauhaus (NEB) community. In March, the NEB together with Ukrainian partners (Covenant of Mayors East, Ro3kvit, ReThink) will launch a capacity-building programme for Ukrainian municipalities to prepare the reconstruction. These and other NEB activities in Ukraine will be boosted through a new ‘Phoenix’ initiative.

As immediate steps, it will develop and put at the disposal of Ukrainian cities cutting-edge expertise from the NEB community in affordable and sustainable reconstruction. It will also network Ukrainian cities with like-minded ones in the EU to exchange experiences on their way to climate neutrality and more energy efficiency. It will combine funding from the Horizon Europe Mission for Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities and from the LIFE Programme, with immediate mobilisation of at least €7 million for these preparatory actions.

More information 

Press release - College of Commissioners travels to Kyiv to boost EU support and sectorial cooperation with Ukraine

Factsheet - meeting between the College of Commissioners and the Ukrainian government

Website - EU solidarity with Ukraine


Publication date
2 February 2023
Directorate-General for Environment

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