VIDEO: Crash course on water pollution - European Commission Skip to main content
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  • News article
  • 13 June 2024
  • Directorate-General for Environment
  • 1 min read

VIDEO: Crash course on water pollution

How is the EU is working to restore our polluted rivers, lakes and seas? Watch the one-minute Crash Course for a dynamic explainer on the causes, consequences and challenges.

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Europe's waters are becoming more polluted. Decades of mismanagement have led our rivers, lakes and seas to be polluted from a range of sources, including agriculture, industry and sewage from ageing sanitation treatment infrastructure. Climate change, declining biodiversity and ecosystem degradation have all exacerbated the problem.

In the first Crash Course of the new “Water Matters” series, Euronews digs into the alarming statistics and explores what the EU is doing about it.

Copyright Euronews


Find out more 

WaterWiseEU campaign

Water pollution in the EU 


Publication date
13 June 2024
Directorate-General for Environment

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