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EU strategy for sustainable and circular textiles - List page (747)
RSSQuestion and Answers on the EU Soil Strategy for 2030, which aims to have all European soils restored, resilient, and adequately protected by 2050.
From 15 – 17 November, the EU LIFE programme holds a three-day hybrid conference showing how it can contribute to the New European Bauhaus initiative.
To a very large extent, EU polluters do not pay for the environmental damage that they cause, imposing health and clean-up costs on the whole society instead.
Annual waste generation from all economic activities in the EU amounts to 2.5 billion tonnes, or 5 tonnes per capita a year, and each citizen produces on average nearly half a tonne of municipal waste.
Registrations are open #BusinessNatureSummit
Ahead of the crucial COP26 climate conference in Glasgow, the EU is calling on world leaders to address climate change and biodiversity loss in an integrated manner.
Today, the European Commission is launching an online public consultation to gather views on the revision of the EU rules on bathing water.
Today, the European Commission adopted a proposal to protect human health and the environment from some of the most harmful chemicals in waste - Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs).
The European Commission adopted today new EU Ecolabel criteria for cosmetics and animal-care products, offering consumers across the EU the benefit of trusted proof for genuine green brands.
New EU Ecolabel criteria for Cosmetics and Animal Care products!