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Zero Pollution Talks
In 2023, the “Zero Pollution Talks” are launched to foster stakeholder engagement within the platform and cultivate a vibrant community for meaningful discussions. This initiative is designed to facilitate the exchange of knowledge, raise awareness, and address a wide range of issues and topics related to zero pollution.
The Zero Pollution Talks will serve as an invaluable medium to communicate the latest advancements on the Zero Pollution Stakeholder Platform (ZPSP). Through these talks, real-life examples of successful measures and tools implemented to achieve the goals of the Zero Pollution Action Plan (ZPAP) will be showcased. The discussions will revolve around the topics related to the ZPSP work program, featuring distinguished speakers and panellists. By creating a dynamic platform, this series of events will foster productive discussions, generate innovative ideas, and strengthen the collective efforts toward achieving zero pollution goals.
The launch talk titled "Zero Pollution & the European Year of Skills" was held on 27 June 2023. To access the recording of this talk, click here.
The second talk titled "Zero Pollution and Foresight: building a Zero Pollution future" was held on 11 July 2023 . To access the recording of this talk, click here.
The third talk entitled "Zero Pollution and the Soil Monitoring Law" was held on 7 November 2023. To access the recording of this talk, click here.
For any questions, please contact: zero [dot] pollution [dot] stakeholderstechnopolis-group [dot] com (zero[dot]pollution[dot]stakeholders[at]technopolis-group[dot]com)
Make a ‘zero pollution pledge’
The pledges will promote the best available, ‘near-zero waste’ options. This means products and services that are proven to be less polluting over their whole life cycle, especially those awarded the EU Ecolabel. The aim is to provide people with more options, and clearer information on cleaner options.
Through making a Sustainable Consumption Pledge which is a voluntary cooperation with businesses to increase the sustainability of production and consumption, thereby complementing other regulatory actions.
Companies are invited to make a voluntary pledge including a ‘zero pollution pledge’ to support sustainable consumption, beyond what is required by law. This initiative is part of the New Consumer Agenda.
Become a member
The members of the Platform have been selected, with meetings taking place on 16 December 2021. The Zero Pollution Stakeholder Platform is composed of several stakeholder groups:
- Businesses
- Civil Society
- Cities and Regions
- Academia
- EU Member State Steering Group
- Observers from International Organisations
All members and observers of the Platform are listed in the section ’Members’ in the Register of Commission Expert Groups.
For any questions, please contact: ENV-ZERO-POLLUTIONec [dot] europa [dot] eu (ENV-ZERO-POLLUTION[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu).