Data and reporting - European Commission
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Data and reporting

EU Member States are required to ensure that up-to-date information on ambient concentrations of the different pollutants is regularly made available to the public and to other organisations. This is done by providing information on websites, in the press and also in public spaces. The information needs to be regularly updated and the connection to the different limit and target values needs to be clear. When information or alert thresholds are exceeded, Member States need to inform the public about this and the actions that are taken. See the different EU Directives for more precise details on this obligation.

Publically available information

At EU level there are a number of sources that provide information to the public. The European Air Quality Portal managed by the European Environment Agency (EEA) links to several databases on air pollutants in the EU. These include


Commission Implementing Decision of 12 December 2011 lays down rules on the reciprocal exchange of information and reporting on ambient air quality for Directives 2004/107/EC and 2008/50/EC.

EU Member States and the European Commission, with extensive support from the EEA, have prepared a Common Understanding to facilitate the implementation of the Decision 2011/850/EC:

Further information

More details about the reporting mechanism can be found on the EEA’s Ambient Air Quality Portal.