Through its Empowering Consumers for the Green Transition Directive and latest Green Claims proposal, the EU is seeking to tighten the rules on greenwashing and ecolabels. By choosing the EU Ecolabel to prove the environmental credentials of their goods or services, companies are sure to comply with the upcoming European legislation on green information to consumers.
With both markets and consumers favouring eco-friendly products, being awarded the right to bear the EU Ecolabel gives manufacturers with proven sustainable actions (waste and emissions reductions, eco-friendly sourcing and supply chains, etc.) an edge over competitors.
By complying with strict environmental criteria aimed at, among other things, reducing energy and water consumption, and minimising waste, the EU Ecolabel helps manufacturers and businesses optimise production and save costs while enhancing their green brand/image.
Using criteria designed to be met by 10-20% of the most sustainable products on the market and verified by independent experts, the EU Ecolabel is a proven way to communicate environmental excellence to consumers.
With reliable, transparent, verified, and regularly reviewed criteria, the EU Ecolabel has ISO 14024 Type I backing, which supports efforts to improve corporate social responsibility.
The EU Ecolabel helps producers play an active part in the green transition – contributing to EU zero-pollution ambitions and participating in EU initiatives such as the Sustainable Consumption Pledge.
Special discounts on EU Ecolabel fees exist for SMEs, micro-enterprises, EMAS/ISO14001 registered companies and applicants from developing economies to reduce application costs (see Fees).

The EU Ecolabel aims to ease the customer’s choice in favour of sustainable products. This holds true for business purchasers, as well as shoppers. It’s also recognised across Europe, making it easy for you to sell your products across the continent. EU Ecolabel products are featured on the EU Ecolabel Product Catalogue (ECAT) or the EU Ecolabel Tourist Accommodation Catalogue, increasing your businesses and your products visibility.
The label is not an environmental label for industry, by industry. The scheme includes compliance checks, as well as independent verification, and is trusted by consumers. In addition, the EU Ecolabel adds value to your business and products by enhancing reputation, highlighting corporate social responsibility and increasing sales. The EU Ecolabel can also contribute to resource and money savings, e.g. through a reduction in raw material, water and energy consumption, reduced waste production or an improved carbon footprint. In addition, you can benefit from marketing activities carried out by the Commission and competent bodies and have improved access to GPP (Green Public Procurement).
Finally, the application process is simple, and can be done online. There are special discounts for SMEs, micro-enterprises, applicants from developing economies and companies registered under EMAS or certified under ISO 14001. Discover the reductions on the fees for SMES.
A survey conducted by Eurobarometer between September and October 2017 showed that more than a quarter of European respondents (27%) are aware of the EU Ecolabel. Around one third of respondents (32%) said that ecolabels play an important role in their purchasing decisions. Among those who were aware of any ecolabels, 30% said that they have bought a product carrying the EU Ecolabel and more than three-quarters (78%) of respondents agreed that they ‘trust that products carrying the EU Ecolabel are environmentally friendly’. In the more recent survey conducted by Eurobarometer between February to March 2021, around a fifth of European respondents (22%) declared to have bought products marked with an environmental label.
In September 2023, a Flash Eurobarometer (535) was conducted on the EU Ecolabel. Based on responses from over 25,000 citizens across the 27 EU Member States, the survey concluded that 38% of EU citizens recognise the EU Ecolabel in shops or online (an 11% increase since 2017). Seventy-five percent of EU citizens trust that products with the EU Ecolabel truly have a lower environmental impact than similar products on the market. They also believe that the EU Ecolabel guarantees environmental excellence (56%) and that all products comply with strict environmental criteria (69%).
Find out more

Discover the full range of EU Ecolabel products and criteria.

Step-by-step support for applying for an EU Ecolabel for your goods or services.

Check out how businesses can communicate about the EU Ecolabel. Get involved!

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