EU Ecolabel Product Groups and Criteria
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Product Groups and Criteria

Discover the full range of EU Ecolabel products and criteria

Learn about the EU Ecolabel criteria

Found on thousands of everyday goods and services, whether online or offline, at home or work, the EU Ecolabel flower guides towards products with demonstrated environmental excellence.

EU Ecolabel criteria are established for different product groups and need to be met by the products to be awarded the label.

To support the EU Ecolabel application process, technical user manuals, specific for each product group, are available. They provide guidance and instructions, and contain the templates to be filled in.

Check out our catalogues and user manuals

Access the EU Ecolabel Product Catalogue to find out more information about environmentally friendly high quality products and where you can find them.

This document gives general information in all languages valid for all product groups and is useful for all applicants. It should be read together with the technical user manuals available under each product group.


The European Commission sets EU Ecolabel criteria for different categories of  products to minimise their environmental impacts over their entire lifecycle, while guaranteeing their high quality. Because each product category is different, the criteria are tailored to address their unique characteristics.

All criteria are developed in consultation with key stakeholders, including consumer associations and experts in the relevant field. They are periodically revised by the EU Ecolabelling Board (EUEB), which takes into account technical innovations or market changes to ensure they are up to date, robust, and trustworthy. 

For more information about on-going EU Ecolabel criteria revisions and developments, visit the European Product Bureau by the JRC and see the EU Ecolabel product group criteria and development section below.

EU Ecolabel product group criteria under development

CategoryCriteria development status
Financial products

The European Commission started the development of criteria for Financial products in October 2018.

More information can be found on the European Product Bureau website.

Food and feed products

The Commission carried out a study on the feasibility of developing EU Ecolabel criteria for food and feed products. Read the final report of the feasibility study and the opinion of the European Union Ecolabelling Board.

Based on the findings, the Commission is currently not intending to develop EU Ecolabel criteria for food and feed products. The Commission could, however, revisit this issue in the future within in the context of the EU Ecolabel’s potential role in the development of any wider EU food strategy, in particular in light of developments in methodologies and tools for measuring the environmental impact (including by, for example, environmental foot-printing) of food and feed products.

Proposing a new EU Ecolabel product group

In case there is an interest for a new product group to be included in the EU Ecolabel scheme and EU Ecolabel criteria to be developed for this new product group, you can fill the criteria development form and send it to the EU Ecolabel Helpdesk.

However, considering the priorities identified in the Strategic EU Ecolabel Work Plan 2020 – 2024, please note that no request for development of EU Ecolabel criteria for new product groups can be considered for the moment. The European Commission will collect the proposals and keep them for further consideration in the future, should resources become available.

Chemicals in EU Ecolabel products

EU Ecolabel criteria include strict requirements on chemicals. Two Chemical Task Forces were established in the past to better understand how to develop and implement such requirements.

Have a look at their Proposed approach to hazardous substance criteria development, as well as their recommendations on the criteria for complex articles and on the handling of derogation requests and related changes in CLP classifications.

Moreover, please find the Online resources to support identifying Safer Chemical Alternatives.

Frequently Asked Questions