For a first orientation and general questions about the EU Ecolabel scheme and the EU Ecolabel Catalogue (ECAT), please fill out the contact form.
For technical questions concerning product group criteria, applications and implementation of criteria, please contact your national Competent Body. You can find your local contact point below.
We are always interested in hearing from you. Send us your news, views, event information, testimonials and stories to help us communicate the true spirit and growing presence of the EU Ecolabel Community.
Moreover, do not hesitate to consult our short Guide on EU funding opportunities for EU Ecolabel activities, bearing in mind that funding opportunities could also be available at national or regional level. Do not hesitate to contact the EU Ecolabel Competent Bodies for those!
If you are aware of a product awarded with the EU Ecolabel on the market that does not comply with the applicable criteria, please follow the formal complaint process below:
Fill in the “Non-compliance with EU Ecolabel criteria complaint form”, attach any relevant photographs and/or supporting documents, and send them to the EU Ecolabel Helpdesk. The Helpdesk may contact you to obtain additional information.
Federal Public Service Health, Food chain safety and Environment
Ministry of Environment and Water
Ministry of Environmental Protection and Green Transition
+385 1 3717 131
Ministry of agriculture, rural development and environment
(+357) 22408960
For questions related to policies and regulation.
+332 41 20 41 20
AFNOR Certification
For Detergents & Cleaning services, Paints & Varnishes, Lubricants, Paper, Growing media, Personal (cosmetics, absorbent hygiene products, reusable menstrual cups) and animal care products, Tourist accommodation.
ECOCERT Greenlife
For Detergents, Cosmetic Products and Animal Care Products.
+33 5 62 07 34 24
Bureau Veritas Certification
For Detergents, Cosmetic Products and Animal Care Products.
Institute for Environmental Protection and Research
Administration de l’Environnement
1, avenue du Rock'n'Roll
L-4361 Esch-sur-Alzette
+352 40 56 56-519
National Focal Point
Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA)
Brexit: European Commission Notice to Stakeholders on the withdrawal of the United Kingdom and EU rules for the use of the EU Ecolabel.
EU Ecolabelling Board (EUEB)
The European Union Ecolabelling Board (EUEB) is a Commission Expert Group which contributes to the development and revision of EU Ecolabel criteria and to any review of the implementation of the EU Ecolabel scheme. It also provides the Commission with advice and assistance in these areas and, in particular, issues recommendations on minimum environmental performance requirements.
The EUEB is composed of representatives of the Competent Bodies of all EU Member States, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, and of other interested parties.
Find here the link to the Transparency register.
Meetings Corner
- 11 March 2025EU Ecolabelling Board – In presence in Brussels
- 12 March 2025Competent Bodies Forum – In presence in Brussels
- 13 March 2025Communication Task Force – In presence in Brussels
- 18 June 2025EU Ecolabelling Board – Online
- 23 June 2025Regulatory committee – Online
- 18 November 2025EU Ecolabelling Board – Online
- 19 November 2025Competent Bodies Forum – Online
- 20 November 2025Communication Task Force meeting – Online
National Ecolabels
Several other ecolabelling schemes exist in Europe. The EU Ecolabel Regulation promotes the enhancement of coherence and harmonisation between the EU Ecolabel scheme and other ecolabelling schemes in the EU. The EU Ecolabel and other Type I ecolabels coexist well.
When a product or service has been awarded both the EU Ecolabel and another eco-label, you will find the two logos displayed side by side on the product or service.
You can find information below on the other ecolabelling schemes present on the European market that have been indicated by national Competent Bodies as nationally and regionally officially recognised EN ISO 14024 type I ecolabelling schemes.
The below list of national/regional Type I Ecolabels dates from 2017, as included in the Final Report of the Implementation of Article 11 under the EU Ecolabel Regulation.
Consumers are becoming more and more concerned about the environment, and research shows that people want to take real action by choosing products that cause less damage to the environment. But many are confused by – and often very sceptical about – the countless green claims made by manufacturers and retailers for their products.
Launched in 1992, the EU Ecolabel is the official European Union voluntary label for environmental excellence, awarded to sustainably designed products that contribute to the EU goal of climate neutrality by 2050 and to the circular economy. EU Ecolabel products meet high standards that reduce their environmental impact across their lifecycle, from raw material extraction, to production, use and disposal.
Because the scheme works on a European level, it goes beyond the pre-existing national ecolabels that are often only known within national borders.
The EU Ecolabel guarantees a high level of transparency, reliability and scientific credibility, which meets customers’ green demands. And, unlike other environmental information or labelling, no technical understanding is required to read and understand the label. By choosing EU Ecolabel products, it is easy for consumers to make an environmentally friendly choice.
The EU Ecolabel logo is used for all different product groups covered by the scheme. This makes it easier to recognise quality products with better environmental performance, protecting the interests of consumers, producers and the environment.
In accordance with the provisions of Article 4 of the Regulation (EC) No 66/2010 on the EU Ecolabel, each Member State of the EEA designates the body or bodies (Competent Body/ Competent Bodies, often abbreviated to CBs), within government ministries or outside, responsible for carrying out the tasks provided within the EU Ecolabel Regulation and ensure that they are operational. Competent Bodies are responsible for ensuring that the verification process is carried out in a consistent, neutral and reliable manner by a party independent from the operator being verified, based on international, European or national standards and procedures concerning bodies operating product-certification schemes. The competent bodies should be the first point of contact for any questions from applicants. You can find the list of all the competent bodies on the following webpage: Competent Bodies.
Discover more detailed information about the scheme here. In the EU Ecolabel Product Catalogue (ECAT) and the EU Ecolabel Tourist Accommodation Catalogue you’ll also find a list of EU Ecolabel products and services and contact details of EU Ecolabel license holders.
Further information on specific EU Ecolabel product groups can be found in the Factsheets aimed at producers available under each product group on this website.
You can also contact your national Competent Body to learn more about the scheme at the national level, submit your application or ask any questions you might have about the application process or the scheme in general.
The Blue Angel, the Nordic Swan and several other ecolabel schemes in Europe all meet the International Organisation for Standardization (ISO) definition for a Type 1 Ecolabel. However, the EU Ecolabel is the only European ecolabel, while the other ecolabels are designed at national level.
The EU Ecolabel and national ecolabels coexist well and are developing a policy of cooperation and coordination. Article 11 of the EU Ecolabel Regulation(No 66/2010) introduces measures to encourage harmonisation between ecolabel schemes, particularly in the selection of product groups and the development and revision of criteria. When new criteria are developed for the EU Ecolabel, existing criteria under other officially recognised ecolabelling schemes in the Member States are considered. Newly developed criteria under these schemes should be at least as strict as the existing EU Ecolabel criteria. If a product has been awarded with both a national and the EU Ecolabel, you will find the two logos displayed next to each other on the product.
Producers can show their environmental commitment in many ways. One of them is the adoption of an independently verified environmental management system, such as EMAS or ISO 14001.
Like the EU Ecolabel, the European Union Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) is a voluntary scheme, but while the EU Ecolabel is awarded to products, EMAS is awarded to organisations. Moreover, EMAS doesn’t rely on a “pass-fail” system as the EU Ecolabel. EMAS certified organisations have committed to continuously improving their environmental performance and providing relevant information to the public.
There are many synergies between both voluntary schemes; benefits include:
- Reductions in annual fees – applicants to the EU Ecolabel scheme who have already received certification under EMAS or ISO 14001 can be granted reductions of up to 20 % on the annual fee.
- Recognition of environmental commitment – Competent Bodies are advised to take into account the implementation of recognised environmental management schemes (e.g. EMAS or ISO 14001) while assessing applications and monitoring compliance with the EU Ecolabel’s criteria.
Visit the EMAS website for more information on this scheme.
The main difference lies in the thematic coverage of both labelling schemes. The EU Ecolabel is a multi-criteria label certifying excellent environmental performances for a product throughout its life-cycle. It complies with the requirements of EN ISO 14024 Type 1 environmental labels.
The most widely used carbon labels provide information on only one environmental aspect during the life-cycle of a product – carbon or greenhouse gas emissions.
The EU Ecolabel Product Catalogue (ECAT) and the EU Ecolabel Tourist Accommodation Catalogue are online databases containing lists of products that have been awarded the EU Ecolabel. You can use the databases also to search for manufacturers, producers and service providers of EU Ecolabel products. Retailer information may also be available if provided by the applicant during registration. Should you need a complete extract of the data in the EU Ecolabel E-Catalogues for research purposes, you can download this data yourself at any time via the EU Open Data Portal. Please keep in mind that it is the licence holders’ responsibility to register their products on ECAT. As a result, this database may be a non-exhaustive list.

Global Ecolabelling Network
The Global Ecolabelling Network (GEN) is a non-profit association of eco-labelling organisations across the world. GEN was created in 1994, and aims to promote ecolabelling, as well as cooperation, information exchange and standards harmonisation among members, associates and other ecolabelling programmes. The EU Ecolabel is a member; other members can be found here.
Each Member State designates the body or bodies (Competent Body/ Competent Bodies, often abbreviated to CBs) responsible for carrying out the tasks provided within the EU Ecolabel Regulation and ensure that they are operational. Competent Bodies are responsible for ensuring that the verification process is carried out in a consistent, neutral and reliable manner. The Competent Bodies should be the first point of contact for any questions from applicants. For more information on the role of Competent Bodies please see the question ‘Who manages the scheme at national level?’
European Economic Area (comprises the Member States of the European Union plus Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway).
The Commission has established the European Union Ecolabelling Board (EUEB), which consist of representatives of the Competent Bodies of all the Member States and of other interested parties (you can find the full list of EUEB members in the How is the EU Ecolabel structured section).
The EUEB contributes to the development and revision of EU Ecolabel criteria and to any review of the implementation of the EU Ecolabel scheme. It also provides the Commission with advice and assistance in these areas and, in particular, issues recommendations on minimum environmental performance requirements.
An EU Ecolabel licence is awarded to one or more products/services after verification. A contract of licence is signed between the Competent Body and an applicant-operator. The applicant, after being awarded, becomes a licence holder.
In the context of the EU Ecolabel, ‘operator’ means any producer, manufacturer, importer, service provider, wholesaler or retailer.
In the context of the EU Ecolabel, ‘products’ means any goods or services which are supplied for distribution, consumption or use on the Community market (EEA) whether in return for payment or free of charge.
In the context of the EU Ecolabel, ‘verification’ means a procedure to certify that a product complies with specified EU Ecolabel criteria.
Find more information in the How is the EU Ecolabel structured section.