Learn what the EU does on sustainable fashion and RESet the Trend
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How is the EU making fashion sustainable?

Learn how the EU is ensuring that clothing and textiles last longer, are easier to repair and are produced ethically.

The vision for 2030

Making textiles more long-lasting through design requirements

Daniele Taurino (IT)

If there is a potential impact on youth, of a new law or policy, including on sustainable textiles, consultations are to be put in place with young stakeholders, young experts and youth organisations.

Daniele Taurino (IT), European Youth Forum

Improving the circularity of the sector and reducing waste

Tackling the microplastics challenge

Protecting people from greenwashing

Rares Voicu

All of the policy measures that we take must have the focus of closing inequality gaps and taking into account the needs of us, young people.

Rareș Voicu (RO), European Youth Forum

Respecting human rights in global textile value chains

Why is the EU taking action?