Implementation of the Waste Shipment Regulation - European Commission Skip to main content
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Implementation of the Waste Shipment Regulation

Find information and documentation about the implementation of the Waste Shipment Regulation  

Implementation reports

Every three years, the Commission must report on the implementation of the regulation. Please see below for prior documentation.

Waste shipment correspondents

The Waste Shipment Regulation requires EU Member States and the Commission to nominate correspondents who are responsible for informing or advising persons or undertakings making enquiries related to the implementation of the Regulation.

Please find the most recently updated list of correspondents here.

In the past, correspondents had meetings where the minutes were publicly available. See here.

See below for other related documents:-

Notification by non-OECD countries willing to receive waste

Non-OECD country authorities wishing to import waste from the EU are invited to notify the European Commission of their willingness and demonstrate their ability to treat this waste environmentally soundly, as per Annexes VIII and IX of the Regulation.

Non-OECD countries willing to continue receiving waste from the EU need to submit their request to the Commission by 21 February 2025

The request must be submitted by the competent national authority designated by that country. Requests can be submitted using the 'Request for Inclusion' form. Requests must include detailed evidence supporting the country's claims, structured according to the form's guidance note.

This request must be submitted electronically to the following email address:-

Or by registered post to the following address:-

European Commission
DG Environment – Unit B3
Avenue d’Auderghem 19
1040 Brussels

This request and all related documentation or other communication shall be provided in English or with a translation in English.

The European Commission will then assess the application and draw up a list of non-OECD authorities authorised to import specific waste streams from the EU. In the assessment process, the Commission may reach out to applicant countries to seek clarifications or request to complete the information provided.

A first list of authorised countries will be established by 21 November 2026 and exports to non-OECD countries not on the list will be prohibited. This list will be updated regularly and at least every two years.

More information can be found here.

The Digital Waste Shipment System

The Commission is working on the development of the central system for electronic submission and exchange of information and documents concerning shipments of waste. The Digital Waste Shipment System (DIWASS) will be used for the exchange of documents and information as of 21 May 2026. The system will be based on the existing IMSOC platform. DIWASS should be interoperable with other systems and software, that are used by some competent authorities or economic operators.  Requirements necessary for such interoperability will be laid down in an implementing act (see below)/ 

More information on DIWASS and its functioning will be published soon.

Expert Group on Waste

The Expert Group on Waste held discussions on shipments of waste on 13 May 2024.


Read all correspondent guidelines.

Several Member States have published their own guidance documents for the implementation of the Waste Shipment Regulation:

IMPEL network

The cross-border shipment of waste is a key focus of IMPEL, the EU network for the Implementation and Enforcement of Environmental Law. See IMPEL’s guidance on waste shipment inspection planning.