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The Commission (co-)finances projects and other initiatives for the implementation of the European Union policies and legislation throughout the European Union and further afield.

The activities of the Directorate-General for Environment (DG ENV) are financed mainly through the LIFE programme, the European Union’s programme supporting circular economy and quality of life, biodiversity and nature protection throughout the EU and the EU Overseas Countries and Territories. In addition, DG ENV implements pilot projects and/or preparatory actions as required by the Budgetary Authority. They aim at testing new environmental policy initiatives and/or preparing the ground for the adoption of future measures.

Funding opportunities

Work programmes

Last work programmes mentioning the expected calls for proposals and the tenders:

Find Your EU Funding Programme for the Environment

The Vademecum on funding and financing for the environment has just been published. A “Must Read” with practical references for project promoters, authorities in charge of the implementation of projects in the Member States and other stakeholders. The Vademecum has been created to assess opportunities and prepare funding and financing strategies that address the environmental objectives of the European Green Deal (EGD).

Read the guide

EU funding programmes

Find here a list of the funding programmes implemented through the 2021-2027 Multiannual Financial Framework, divided by heading and cluster.


The bulk of the grants is managed by the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA). In specific cases, grants are also managed by DG ENV. The calls for proposals are published on the LIFE call for proposals webpage.

The list of Grants published between 2013-2020 can be found here.

Calls for Other Grants

DG Environment supports also other grants. See below the specific Calls:

Calls for tenders

Apply here for open calls for tenders for services, issued by the Directorate-General for Environment.

Calls for expression of interest

Opportunities for stakeholders, including experts and businesses, to put themselves forward before a call for tender. 

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