It’s time to be water wise! As one of our most precious natural resources, water must be protected. But our water cycle is broken. Not only has climate change worsened it, with droughts and floods wreaking havoc on our lives and economies, so has pollution, with our rivers, seas and groundwater now full of chemicals, plastics and other hazardous substances.
It's not all doom and gloom though – it’s time to see water differently! The EU's new #WaterWiseEU campaign aims to raise awareness on these issues, showcase solutions and inspire change. We can all work together to transform the way water is managed, used and valued, and the EU Ecolabel has an important role to play in this collective effort.
Championing water conservation and pollution reduction
EU Ecolabel products are part of the solution. Its certification criteria guarantee that a product has a demonstrated reduced impact on the environment and offers solutions for businesses that want to reduce the environmental footprint of their products, especially on water consumption and pollution. These benefits trickle down to consumers, who, by purchasing products with the EU Ecolabel contribute to cleaner, healthier and more abundant water across the EU.
The proof is in the pudding: the EU Ecolabel certification already ensures the reduced environmental impact of a growing number of products. For example, this is how the EU Ecolabel strict criteria reduce the impact of products such as textiles, personal care products/cosmetics, tourist accommodations and cleaning services on water:
- Textiles: The textile industry accounts for 20% of global freshwater pollution and is one of the most impactful in terms of both water consumption and pollution. To comply with the EU Ecolabel’s strict criteria, textile manufacturers must demonstrate reductions in water pollution during the processing stages.
- Personal care products and cosmetics: The EU Ecolabel ensures limited overall aquatic toxicity, promotes the biodegradability of ingredients used and prohibits certain hazardous substances such as PFAs and microplastics.
- Tourist accommodations: To enhance water efficiency, the EU Ecolabel criteria promote towel and bedsheet reuse, set limits for tap flow rates and toilet flushing and encourage pool management optimisation as well as rainwater and greywater recycling practices.
- Cleaning services: Operators must train staff to ensure minimal water use and proper wastewater disposal. Limits on water consumption for washing machines are also set, and the promotion of cleaning products with low environmental impact is encouraged.
Be water wise, choose EU Ecolabel
Let’s be water wise together and act! Do you want to contribute to water preservation by choosing sustainable products? Are you open to transforming the way water is used in production processes or in your services? The EU Ecolabel is the solution!
Look for EU Ecolabel products next time you go shopping! Get inspired by our success stories and apply for the EU Ecolabel for your environmentally “best in class” products.
- Publication date
- 8 May 2024
- Author
- Directorate-General for Environment