Pollinators brief: Importance for nature and human well-being, drivers of decline and the need for monitoring. Skip to main content
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FUTURE BRIEF: Pollinators: Importance for nature and human well-being, drivers of decline and the need for monitoring – Issue 23

This Future Brief presents an overview of research into the benefits of pollinators for food production and security, their role in nature, the drivers of change in pollinator populations and the importance of monitoring for pollinator protection.


Publication date
18 July 2020
Directorate-General for Environment


FUTURE BRIEF: Pollinators: Importance for nature and human well-being, drivers of decline and the need for monitoring – Issue 23
Photo by Myriams-Fotos, @Pixabay, public domain

Pollinators are vital to our wellbeing and the survival of nature. By helping plants reproduce, pollinators support a steady supply of healthy and economically valuable food for humans and prop up entire ecosystems. However, we are at risk of losing these benefits, and many others, with the ongoing and dramatic decline of pollinators witnessed around the world. This brief highlights the importance of pollinators for food production and nature, covering pollination of both crops and wild plants. It also explores the drivers of pollinator decline and the role of monitoring in driving the actions to reverse it. The report is written in the context of the EU Pollinators Initiative, a strategy for the EU and its Member States to address the decline of pollinators.

Click here to read our publication.


Multimedia material:

What is the role of taxonomists and citizen scientists in conserving pollinators?


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