Zero pollution targets - European Commission
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Zero pollution targets

The Zero Pollution Monitoring and Outlook offers a snapshot of the current state of the pollution in the EU, and answers questions on the pollution trends over the past years, and whether we are likely to achieve 2030 zero pollution targets.  

Zero pollution targets for 2030

1. Reduce by more than 55 % the health impacts (premature deaths) of air pollution

  • Target: 55% reduction

  • green arrow back

    - 45%

    Stable trend

    Monitoring 2024: Reduction until now (data from 2020) since 2005
    EEA dashboard

    4th Clean Air Outlook

  • Green Arrow Front

    - 62% to - 69%

    On track

    Outlook 2030: Likely reduction since 2005 based on a number of proposed measures
    Second Report and 4th Clean Air Outlook

2. Reduce by 30 % the share of people chronically disturbed by transport noise

  • Target: 30% reduction

  •  -2%

    Downward trend

    Monitoring 2024: Slight decrease between baseline data for 2017and 2022 data. 

    EEA zero pollution dashboard

  • - 2% to -23% 

    Off  track 

    Outlook 2030: Likely reduction since 2017 based on a number of proposed measures

    4th Clean Air Outlook

3. Reduce by 25 % the EU ecosystems where air pollution threatens biodiversity

  • Target: reduce by 25 %

  •  - 13%

    Downward trend

    Monitoring 2024: Reduction until now (data from 2022) since 2005
    Zero pollution dashboard

  •  - 20%

    Unlikely on track

    Outlook 2030: Likely reduction since 2005 based on a number of proposed measures 
     4th Clean Air Outlook

4a. Reduce nutrient losses by 50 %

4b. Reduce the use and risk of chemical pesticides by 50 %

  • Target: 50% reduction

  • green arrow back

     - 46%

    Downward trend

    Monitoring 2024: Reduction until now (data from 2022) since 2015-2017, recalculation of baseline, corrected reduction with data from 2022: 27%
    Zero pollution dashboard and SANTE – Farm-to-Fork

  • Green Arrow Front


    On track

    Outlook 2030: No quantitative assessment carried out, based on extrapolation of past trends and expert judgement. Also note that indicator has shortcomings. See other indicators on pesticides: Zero pollution dashboard 

4c. Reduce the use of the more hazardous chemical pesticides by 50 %

  • Target: 50% reduction

  •  - 25%

    Stable trend

    Monitoring 2024: Reduction until now (data from 2022) since 2015-2017
    Zero pollution dashboard and SANTE – Farm-to-Fork

  • Reduction

    Likely on track

    Outlook 2030: No quantitative assessment carried out, based on extrapolation of past trends and expert judgement. Also note that indicator has shortcomings. See other indicators on pesticides: Zero pollution dashboard 

4d. Reduce the sale of antimicrobials for farmed animals and in aquaculture by 50 %

  • Target: 50% reduction

  •  - 28%

    Downward trend

    Monitoring 2024: Reduction until now (data from 2022) since 2018

    Zero pollution dashboard 

  • Reduction

    Likely on track

    Outlook 2030: No quantitative assessment carried out, based on extrapolation of past trends and expert judgement.

5a. Reduce plastic litter at sea by 50 %

  • Target: 50% reduction

  •  - 29%

    Downward trend

    Monitoring 2024: New data assessed between 2015 and 2021.
    Zero pollution dashboard and JRC 2024 report

  • Up to  - 42%

    Likely on track

    Outlook 2030: Updated projections taking account latest set of agreed measures, regional differences are likely. 

5b. Reduce by 30 % microplastics released into the environment

  • +7% to +9%

    Upward trend

    Monitoring 2024: New data assessed between 2016-2022

    Zero pollution dashboard and ETC, 2024 report

  • Up to  - 7%

    Off track

    Outlook 2030: Assumption that the proposed 'Pellet Regulation' (EC,2023b) is adopted without major changes and in combination with the REACH restriction. It should be noted that these estimates have a high level of uncertainty.

6a. Reduce significantly total waste generation

  • Target 2030: Significant reduction

  •  - 0.5%

    Stable trend

    Monitoring 2024: Slight net reduction since 2010 after temporary reduction of 8% observed between 2018 and 2020

    Zero pollution dashboard


  • Stable

    Unlikely on track

    Outlook 2030: Waste generation follows changes in the EU GDP and it is therefore not expected to decrease without very ambitious prevention measures

6b. Reduce residual municipal waste by 50%

  • Target: 50% reduction

  •  - 1.5%


    Monitoring 2024: Reduction until now (data from 2022) since 2018
    Zero pollution dashboard

  • Stable

    Off track

    The projected increase in municipal waste prevents the EU from achieving a 50% reduction in residual waste by 2030


  • green arrow back
    On track

    The current status and past trend/models/prospects indicate that the EU is on track to meet the target by 2030

  • Likely on track

    The current status and past trend/models/prospects indicate that the EU is likely on track to meet the target by 2030.

  • Unlikely on track

    The current status and past trend/models/prospects indicate that the EU is unlikely on track to meet the target by 2030.

  • Off track

    The current status and past trend/models/prospects indicate that the EU is off track to meet the target by 2030.



  The main objectives of monitoring and outlook are to  

  • measure progress, identify the need for action and drive the green and digital transition
  • communicate and engage civil society, businesses, academia, administrations, EU institutions and international organisations

It complements the monitoring frameworks for climate change, biodiversity and circular economy and builds on the existing monitoring and data at EU level mainly linked to the established pollution policies and laws.  

The monitoring integrates the most relevant past and current data across all pollution areas available at EU level compiled by the European Environment Agency (EEA), as well data from other EU sources, in particular Eurostat, DG SANTE, EMSA, ECHA and EMA or projects financed under the EU research frameworks, as well as information provided by Member States.  

The outlook is carried out by the Joint Research Centre summarising projections, modelling and foresight results on pollution, quantifying the effectiveness of existing and proposed policies under the European Green Deal or other policies that aim to reduce pollution with by 2030. Each part of the outlook is based on a specific set of assumptions. The 4th Clean Air Outlook has been carried out by DG Environment