Clean Air Outlook - European Commission
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Clean Air Outlook

Reports analysing the prospects for reducing air pollution in the EU by 2030 and beyond.


The Commission publishes Clean Air Outlook reports analysing the prospects for reducing air pollution in the EU by 2030 and beyond. They are based on modelling work and assess the extent to which the emission reduction obligations of the NEC Directive (Directive (EU) 2016/2284) would be met under various policy scenarios. They assess the implications of emission reductions in terms of air quality, health, ecosystem impacts and their costs and benefits to society. Clean Air Outlook reports also present results informing related policy areas, such as work under the Zero Pollution Action Plan and its outlook, interactions between climate and energy policies and clean air, etc.


Clean Air Outlook reports have so far been broadly based on the same (but updated) methodological approach as the one followed for the preparation of the Commission’s NEC proposal and accompanying analysis, as presented initially under the reports on the Thematic Strategy on Air Pollution (TSAP). Reports TSAP 13, TSAP 15, TSAP16a and TSAP 16b are of particular relevance.
