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Iconic EU Ecolabel graphic featuring diverse product groups and the EU Ecolabel logo, signifying sustainability
EU Ecolabel

Guiding your sustainable choices

The EU Ecolabel

6 reasons to embrace EU Ecolabel…

  1. It showcases true ‘green’ products, empowering sustainable choices
  2. It benefits the environment while encouraging responsible business
  3. It allows market actors to contribute to the political objectives of a climate neutral, clean, circular economy, and a toxic-free environment
  4. It guarantees that products are durable and easy to repair/recycle
  5. It minimises the use of harmful chemicals, as well as emissions into air and water
  6. It helps in reducing energy consumption and CO2 emissions

Learn more about why it matters to consumers, retailers and businesses

Have a look at the leaflet to find out more and at EU funding opportunities for EU Ecolabel activities!

98 977 products
(goods and services) awarded with the EU Ecolabel
2 983 licences
awarded to companies
240 new licences
awarded since March 2024