Plastic waste shipments - European Commission
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Plastic waste shipments

From 1 January 2021, new EU rules apply to shipments of plastic waste. The new Waste Shipments Regulation introduces further changes. 



Different procedures apply depending on the type and destination (intra-EU, OECD, non-OECD) of plastic waste.

Exports from the EU

  • Exporting hazardous plastic waste (A3210) and plastic waste that is hard to recycle (Y48) from the EU to non-OECD countries is banned.
  • Exporting clean, non-hazardous waste (which is destined for recycling) (B3011) from the EU to non-OECD countries is only authorised under specific conditions. The importing country must indicate which rules apply to such imports to the European Commission (cf. Commission Regulation 1418/2007).
  • Exporting hazardous plastic waste (AC300) and plastic waste that is hard to recycle (Y48) from the EU to OECD countries is subject to the “prior notification and consent procedure”. Under this procedure, both the importing and exporting country must authorise the shipment.

Imports into the EU

  • Importing hazardous plastic waste and plastic waste that is hard to recycle into the EU from third countries is subject to the “prior notification and consent procedure”. Under this procedure, both the importing and exporting country must authorise the shipment.

Intra-EU shipments

  • The “prior notification and consent procedure” applies also to intra-EU shipments of hazardous plastic waste (AC300), and of non-hazardous plastic waste (that is difficult to recycle) (EU48).
  • All intra-EU shipments of non-hazardous plastic waste for recovery (EU3011) are exempt from these new controls. For shipments of such waste, general information requirements apply.

The new entries EU3011 and EU48 for non-hazardous plastic waste are largely modelled on the entries agreed in the Basel Convention but with some differences.

Summary tables - procedures for import, export and intra-EU plastic waste

Exports of plastic waste under new Waste Shipment Regulation

Waste Shipment Regulation (EU) 2024/1157 provides new rules on exports of waste outside the EU. It also contains specific rules for exports of plastic waste, depending on the type and destination. 

Exports from the EU

Exporting plastic waste, including clean, non-hazardous waste (which is destined for recycling) (B3011) will be subject to the “prior notification and consent procedure”. This requirement will apply from 21 May 2026

Exporters of plastic waste, similarly as in the case of other waste, have to demonstrate that the waste exported is properly managed in the facility located in the recipient country to which it is shipped. Therefore, they must ensure that independent audits are carried out in such facilities, demonstrating that these facilities manage waste in an environmentally sound manner. This requirement will apply from 21 May 2027.

Specific rules for non-OECD countries

Starting on 21 November 2026, there will be a complete ban on such exports until 21 May 2029.

After this period, non-OECD countries interested in importing plastic waste are invited to notify the European Commission and demonstrate their capacity to manage such waste in an environmentally sound manner, in order to be included in the list of non-OECD countries to which plastic waste may be exported from the EU.

The request to import EU plastic waste can only cover non-hazardous plastic waste (B3011). 

Specific rules for OECD countries

The Commission will monitor exports of waste to such countries, paying particular attention to plastic waste. If there are concerns that exports are increasing and likely to cause environmental damage in a given country of destination, the Commission will engage in a dialogue with this country. Ultimately, such exports will be suspended if the waste is not managed in an environmentally sustainable manner. 

The Commission is also tasked with preparing a specific report assessing whether countries importing significant volumes of plastic waste manage this waste in an environmentally sound manner, if such exports do not lead to significant environmental or human health damage in such countries and if EU plastic waste imported to OECD country is not further shipped to third countries. The report should be published by May 2026.

Imports into the EU

The new Regulation maintains the current rules on plastic waste imports to the EU. 


These rules should end the export of plastic waste to third countries that often do not have the capacity and standards to manage it in a sustainable manner, while ensuring strong controls where the transboundary shipment of such waste is still allowed.


Key dates related to EU rules on shipments of plastic waste

  1. 21 May 2029

    Non-OECD countries wishing to import EU plastic waste may file a request to be excluded from the export ban. 

  2. 21 November 2026

    Exports of all plastic waste to non-OECD countries will be banned.

  3. 21 May 2026

    Exports of all plastic waste are subject to “prior notification and consent procedure”.

  4. 11 April 2024

    New Waste Shipments Regulation (EU) 2024/1157 is adopted.

  5. 1 January 2021
    Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/2174 on plastic waste shipments enters into force
  6. May 2019
    The 14th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention took place


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