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Too much water

Floods are becoming more frequent, dangerous and expensive. What can we all do?

The true cost of flooding in Europe

  • Floods have cost over EUR 170 billion since 1980
  • Around 12% of Europe’s population live in areas potentially prone to river flooding
  • 5,582 people have died due to floods between 1980 and 2022

How much (EUR) could coastal flooding cost each year by 2100, if no further action is taken?

1. 20 billion
2. 100 billion
3. 1.6 trillion
4. 2 trillion

Answer: more than EUR 1.6 trillion, according to the recent European climate risk assessment.

What are the solutions?

  • Modern flood protection wall in the style of the historic city wall | Photo by Michal via Adobe Stock
    Adapting to a changing climate

    Predicting and preparing for floods, rather than just reacting to them can reduce their likelihood and limit their impact. Different places in Europe face different challenges, so solutions need to be local and tailored, and everyone needs to be involved – citizens, governments, communities, organisations, and businesses. 

    What’s the solution?  

    Climate adaptation includes measures such as 

    • building flood-barriers 
    • creating early-warning systems for storms 
    • preparing for new health risks 
    • making sure our buildings and infrastructure can withstand extreme weather 
    • planning for uncertainty and risk 
  • Body of water with greenery in the distance.
    Working with nature

    Managing water sustainably and working with nature will help protect our communities, homes, and cities from floods.

    What's the solution? 

    Some examples of these nature-based solutions include

    • restoring natural floodplains
    • rewetting wetlands
    • restoring soils 
    • protecting groundwater recharge zones
    • removing artificial barriers from water
    • bringing nature back into cities
  • Bad weather shortly before the grain harvest | Photo by JOE LORENZ DESIGN via Adobe Stock
    Rethinking agriculture

    Agriculture is hugely affected by heatwaves, droughts and floods caused by climate change.  At the same time, unpredictable rainfall and flash foods lead to lower yields. We must adapt what and how we are farming to ensure our food supply. 

    What’s the solution?   

    To protect our farmers and food systems from the effects of floods, the EU is supporting famers to

    • plant flood-resistant crops, where possible 
    • use farming practices that help keep soils healthy increase vegetation cover 
    • restore areas of biodiversity on arable land 

Did you know?

How the EU is taking action

EU water policy is one of the cornerstones of environmental protection in the EU. These laws protect water resources, fresh and saltwater ecosystems, and ensure our drinking and bathing water are clean. 

The EU Civil Protection Mechanism anticipates and prepares for disasters so people on the ground can respond quickly.

Discover the EU’s comprehensive laws on water, to protect water resources, fresh and saltwater ecosystems, and ensure our drinking and bathing water are clean.

The EU encourages smarter and faster adaptation in agriculture, for example with eco-schemes for farmers.

Actions on the ground

The LIFE Dutch Dune Revival project has restored 190 hectares of dunes - a natural defence against the risk of coastal flooding - with the support of EU funding.

How many areas in the EU are at significant risk of flooding?

1. 200
2. 1,000
3. 3,000
4. 14,000

Answer: Over 14,000 areas are at risk of flooding, according to the EU's flood risk viewer.