30 Years of EU Ecolabel
On 23 March 2022, the EU Ecolabel officially turned 30 years old! Now with over 89,000 goods and services across 24 product groups currently awarded, the EU Ecolabel is widely recognised across Europe.
Throughout the past three decades, our reach has spread but our mission remains the same: Foster a circular economy and zero pollution, putting us on a path towards a greener future and building a more resilient Europe.
We celebrated 30 years of our label inspiring consumers, businesses, and retailers to lead a more sustainable lifestyle. For the occasion, the ‘EU Ecolabel Showroom’ was brought back to life, but this time on wheels! From the launch at EU Green Week in Brussels, the Showroom on Wheels showcased EU Ecolabel products and services across the EU throughout the summer and autumn of 2022 until returning to Brussels for the World Ecolabel Day on 13 October 2022. Afterwards, the Showroom on Wheels made several stops in Brussels, including an event for Belgian License Holders, a display at the European Parliament, presentations at the European Climate Pact, the EU Consumer Summit, and the European Commission Open Doors in the Berlaymont.
Additionally, activities took place all across the EU on local levels to highlight achievements of the EU Ecolabel and reinforce the bond between consumers, businesses, and retailers. Check out impressions of all the festivities for the 30th anniversary on this page!
The EU Ecolabel Showroom on Wheels is a spin on the showrooms that we have displayed in the past in some of our great EU capitals such as Brussels, Paris, and Berlin. Our EU Ecolabel showrooms are a great way for people to discover all that the EU Ecolabel can offer.
The anniversary’s ‘Showroom’ was composed of an electric bike pulling an EU Ecolabel branded small caravan, and a friendly small ‘pop-up’ exhibition. You could pass by, gather around, have a look inside, and most importantly discover what the EU Ecolabel is all about! These different elements have been carefully chosen and designed to reduce their environmental impact. The EU Ecolabel is here to promote sustainable lifestyles and choices!
Inside the caravan and on display were some of the EU Ecolabel products and services. The ‘Showroom’ toured across Europe and stopped in popular places – such as cities’ main squares, at trade or business fairs, etc. to showcase our wide range of certified products. From big cities to small towns, the Showroom on Wheels was able to meet people where they are!

The EU Ecolabel Showroom on Wheels is a spin on the showrooms that we have displayed in the past in some of our great EU capitals such as Brussels, Paris, and Berlin. Our EU Ecolabel showrooms are a great way for people to discover all that the EU Ecolabel can offer.
This year’s “Showroom” is composed of an electric bike pulling an EU Ecolabel branded small caravan, and a friendly small ‘pop-up’ exhibition. You can pass by, gather around, have a look inside, and most importantly discover what the EU Ecolabel is all about! These different elements have been carefully chosen and designed to reduce their environmental impact. The EU Ecolabel is here to promote sustainable lifestyles and choices!
Inside the caravan and on display are some of the EU Ecolabel products and services. The “Showroom” will tour across Europe between May and October and will stop in popular places – such as cities’ main squares, at trade or business fairs etc. to showcase our wide range of certified products. From big cities to small towns, the Showroom on Wheels will meet people where they are!
Follow the Showroom on Wheels' journey on LinkedIn, and keep an eye out on this page for more content on our 30th anniversary celebrations!
The Showroom on Wheels Tour Across Europe
- 30-31 MayBrussels, Belgium - EU Green Week
- 21-30 JuneBrussels, Belgium - Le Berlaymont
- 5 JuneBrussels, Belgium - Fête de L'Environnement/Het Milieufeest
- 4-29 JulyGermany
- 22-30 AugustEstonia
- 2-10 SeptemberHungary
- 12-26 SeptemberCzech Republic
- 6-9 OctoberLuxembourg City, Luxembourg - Klima Expo
- 10-14 OctoberBrussels, Belgium - Back at Le Berlaymont for World Ecolabel Day
- 20 OctoberBrussels, Belgium - Event for Belgian License Holders
- 28 November- 2 DecemberBrussels, Belgium - European Parliament
- 1 FebruaryBrussels, Belgium - European Climate Pact
- 28 MarchBrussels, Belgium - EU Consumer Summit at The Egg
- 6 MayBrussels, Belgium - European Commission Open Doors in the Berlaymont