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Evaluation of the National Emission Reduction Commitments Directive


Article 13 of the Directive calls on the Commission to review the Directive no later than 31 December 2025. The Commission will evaluate the Directive following the Better Regulation guidelines. The evaluation will assess to what extent the Directive has reached its objective of protecting human health and the environment by reducing national emissions of the five main air pollutants.

It will also take into account the clean air targets set in the 2021 Zero Pollution Action Plan. Furthermore, the evaluation will assess whether the Directive has proved coherent with and contributed to EU air quality policy and created synergies with other EU policies.

Stakeholder consultations

The public was consulted in early 2024 on Have Your Say on the call for evidence describing the scope of the evaluation exercise.

The Commission is also consulting stakeholders through the following consultation tools and processes:-

  • A public consultation was launched on 3 September 2024 on Have Your Say. Replies to the online public consultation can be provided in any official EU language. The consultation is open until 26 November 2024 for 12 weeks.
  • A targeted stakeholder consultation was also launched on 3 September 2024. It contains more specific questions addressed to different groups of stakeholders, including Member States and the relevant authorities, civil society organisations, international stakeholders, industry representatives and the scientific community. This consultation is open until 26 November, for 12 weeks. You can reply via EUSurvey.
  • A stakeholder meeting took place on 14 October 2024. It provided the opportunity to discuss stakeholder feedback on the functioning of the Directive. You can find more information on the workshop here.
  • Discussions will be held at meetings of the Member State expert group on implementing the Directive.


Relevant information sources to inform the review include the following:

The Commission also launched a dedicated study to support the evaluation and support the public and targeted stakeholder consultations.