EU Ecolabel Articles and Success Stories Skip to main content
Icons of diverse product groups, accompanied by a photo presenting store shelves with items and the EU Ecolabel logo
Articles & Success Stories


The EU Ecolabel is a label of environmental excellence that is awarded to products and services meeting high environmental standards throughout their life-cycle. Find out more through our articles and success stories.

EU Ecolabel - Success Stories

Join the excitement as Hamelin, the European leader in school and office supplies, proudly participates in the 2024 Olympic Games. Hamelin introduces a unique line of eco-friendly products that celebrate the Olympic spirit. Experience the games with a touch of green!
Cosmopak has future-proofed its business of selling high-quality and environmentally friendly cosmetics to the hospitality industry to meet the growing demand of its clients and the clients’ customers for reliable green products.
Discover how Coop Italia is using EU Ecolabel products in their supermarket chain.
Discover the success story from Sweden in the product group 'footwear' from 2023.
By giving EU Ecolabel products more visibility, e-retailers can guide consumers towards making more sustainable purchasing decisions.

Portugal’s success business Lidergraf Sustainable Printing is using the EU Ecolabel to advocate for more sustainability in the sector but also to attract like-minded customers.

The EU Ecolabel Ambassadors for Lubricants from October 2020 are highlighted for their outstanding achievements.

Discover the success story from Austria in the product group 'paper products' from 2018.

EU Ecolabel - Articles

Amidst a sea of green claims and labels, discover how the EU Ecolabel guides people to separate genuine sustainability efforts from marketing hype! Join the movement as the EU Ecolabel Showroom on Wheels tours Europe, empowering consumers to make informed choices.

EC Library Guides

Find out more about EU Ecolabel and its successes here!